Fighter: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Stage II)
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Los Angeles, CA
My Journal
Fighting isn't easy. . .
January 26th, 2017

I have a lot of sarcasm in me, I may sound too negative or you may think I believe all of this is funny to me, but it's not at all. I've lost a brother and a brother in law to cancer you can't judge on how I deal with my own battle because it's the only way I can and know how. . I’ve even been told that I can be "negative.". I could imagine it can get a little "much" for some people. But there is never enough for me. I love my family and friends I don't blame anyone for staying away or distant because if you know me, you know I'm the worse when it comes to emotional support so I completely understand and I'm not upset at anyone. I fight how I know how and that's with this attitude unfortunately for those that can't handle I'm not apologizing because like I said it's my fight and I have to do this the only way I know how whether people agree with it or not. #fuckcancer


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