Survivor: Breast Cancer (Stage II)
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New York City, NY
My Journal
Weekly Roundup 06/02
June 3rd, 2014

Hi everyone,

If you missed out on some of the the recent news going on here at IHadCancer, then here is a recap of the past week! Do you have an idea for a potential blog post? We would love for you to reach out to us.  Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or requests for our team!

Recent Blog Posts (please email to learn more)

  • Embracing the Evolution of Survivorship - Cancer can change the way a survivor looks, feels, and sees the world. Are you wondering how to redefine yourself and find your "new normal"? Read more to find out how Mallory navigated the evolution of her own survivorship. 
  • The Power of Giving Back - When Nicole’s two role models were diagnosed with cancer, she did not just sit around. Instead, she made it her goal to implement the life lessons she learned from them into her everyday life. Read more to find out what Nicole has gained from her volunteer work. 

Recent Dear Cancer Messages (What do you have to say to cancer? Let it out.)

  • Dear Cancer ... Today is National Cancer Survivor's Day! Too bad you can't celebrate with us! We get to live, WITHOUT you!!! (click here to comment
  • Dear Cancer, Today was my last day of active treatment, and I figured it was the perfect opportunity to write you a letter. I would've written sooner but I was super busy kicking your ass. You've been apart of my life for far too long. You're the greatest enemy I've ever known and the biggest thief. I've seen you steal the hopes and dreams of so many. Too many. As a young child, I had to watch helplessly as you inflicted unimaginable suffering upon my mother. Not that she didn't give you one hell of a fight. She did! In the midst of all that suffering, I saw a woman, with all of the odds stacked against her, use the power of sheer will, faith in God and unconditional love for her children take you a few extra rounds. You see Cancer, she was the ultimate example of strength and fortitude. And that example was a powerful weapon in my arsenal. And what about my real life superhero, Laura Gannon?! I bet you never saw her coming. She kept me focused and strong every single day of this fight, loving me through the toughest rounds. And while my wife was reason enough to fight, there was my little girl, my sweet Madeleine. She has a few superpowers of her own. I love her with every cell in my body and I sure as hell wasn't about to let you take from her what you took from me. Cancer, while I am proud and grateful to have won this battle, I realize that until we find a cure for you, the war continues. I vow to keep fighting for all the soldiers we have lost and for all the warriors, present and future. Signed, Riese's Daughter (click here to comment)

Recent Facebook post (Don't forget to Like us on FB!)   

Recent Discussion Questions (Ask anything you want on our discussion board.)

  • Please help me. After only going in to remission myself in late 2011, my father has been diagnosed with GBM. The doctors have suggested that my brothers and sisters get tested to see if we have all inherited a gene predisposing us to cancer as all of my Dads side have had or/been taken by cancer. He has lost all happiness, and we are all struggling with how to handle this 'incurable' cancer. Can anyone tell me about their experience with GBM? Or anyone have any 'positive' stories in regards to GBM? I know the long term survival is very low. It has been 7 months since he was diagnosed. (click here to answer)
  • Did any of you lose friends due to your cancer? I had an odd experience. Went in for extensive cancer surgery. Had a close friend prior to the surgery. Came out of the surgery and she was no longer a close friend. Will not respond to phone calls or emails. I can think of absolutely nothing that I did to make her do this. (click here to answer)

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Thanks for all of your support.
- The IHC Team


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