Survivor: Breast Cancer (Stage II)
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New York City, NY
My Journal
Weekly Roundup 03/31
March 31st, 2014

Hi everyone,

Happy spring! It's finally beginning to warm up here in NYC. :) We're getting ready to send out our next newsletter - to sign up, click here. See below for this week's roundup and as always, feel free to let us know if you have any comments, questions or ideas!

Recent Blog Posts (please email to learn more)

  • 4 Steps For Self-Confidence: Advice From A Cancer CoachLeah is a Stage IV Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor, as well as a cancer coach. In this guest blog post, she shares her tips for tapping into your inner power and learning to fight through self-doubt, no matter what you're going through.  
  • The Truth About The Dreaded Surgical Drains - Have you suffered through the pain of surgical drains? In this guest blog post, Ann Marie shares the raw, honest truth about what she experienced after she had her drains removed - from chest pains to numbness and everything in between. 

Recent Dear Cancer Messages (What do you have to say to cancer? Let it out.)

  • Dear Cancer, when you came into my life.. I lost everyone! Click here to comment
  • Dear Cancer, You are a sneaky killer who takes loved ones too soon. When you implanted yourself in me you woke me. The doctor removed you, the chemo made me an inhospitable host. But now I am on the look out for your possible return. Be warned, you will encounter the same treatment. So, do us both a favor, just stay away. But thanks for the lesson in mortality and to appreciate each day. I only need to learn this lesson once. Click here to comment.  

Recent Facebook post (Don't forget to Like us on FB!) 

  • We love to see Dear Cancer messages like this! 
    "Today's a great day. The Dr told me I'm cured of cancer, I feel very, very lucky. Please help others with their fight in any way you can. I beat you cancer, now you've left me, leave everyone else!!!"
    Click here to comment

Recent Discussion Questions (Ask anything you want on our discussion board.

  • Hi everyone, i'm Just about to start my Radiotherapy treatments(25)and i'm looking for advise regarding do's and don'ts.I must say i'm really nervous, as i don't really have anyone to ask ! Some support would be great.Click here to answer.  
  • I have been in remission for 20 months and I still feel the need to talk about my experiences with cancer, but I feel as though my friends don't want to hear it about it anymore. (I try not to ever bring it up because of that) I feel as though everyone thinks that the day chemo ended I should have "moved on" and should be "over it." Does anyone else feel that they can't talk to their friends or family? Click here to answer

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Thanks for all of your support.
- The IHC Team


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