What do the words “I Had Cancer” mean to our team? Sometimes they mean that someone was diagnosed with cancer, fought for their life and probably experienced intense fear. More often these words mean that someone has likely learned how amazing life really is, discovered the true meaning of kindness, and started living to the fullest everyday. But perhaps most often, “I Had Cancer” is a mantra for recovery, a point of hope at the end of a very difficult journey that no one should have to take. The latter is the very reason IHadCancer.com came into being.
For a while, the team here wondered if naming a social support network for supporters, fighters and survivors of cancer - I Had Cancer - logical. What would fighters take away from the title, how would supporters understand it? And then we got to thinking.
If your spouse, parent or child is diagnosed with cancer, is cancer not immediately present in your life? If your best friend tells you that they are fighting for their life, are you still unaffected by this disease? The team at I Had Cancer believes you are. We stand behind this name because everyone on the team has had someone in our lives tell us this news as we suddenly realized, cancer has touched us. We welcome everyone who has been touched by cancer to our site and hope that what you find here will help you on your way to recovery both physical and mental.