Caregiver: Rhabdomyosarcoma (Stage I)
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Niagara Falls, ON
My Journal
December 2011-Niagara Falls General Hospital Stay
December 4th, 2013

So we were the only family in the small town Niagara General hospital peads ward. The kids dept was small, unequipped and generally just a holding place until they send the kids other places. We are in an empty ward room. There are four beds. Griffin gets a crib, Marty and I camp out in the other ones, spreading out, trying to get comfortable with this uncomfortable situation. At this point we had ZERO idea what was in Griff's eye. The big "C" word has not been mentioned. They still think its an infection so they keep us for 3 days while Griffin is given IV antibiotics. The meds do nothing, the lump just gets bigger. Finally, i INSIST to speak with the doctor to inquire if they intend on DOING anything, oviously the meds are not doing anything to bring the "infection" down. Now what? They finally decide to do a CT scan. They try to "sedate" my two year old slightly, which actually did the opposite effect, he is hyper and balling his eyes out. We give up and try again the next day. The CT scan shows a 3 cm "mass" like a finger running behind his eyeball, in his eye orbit. They have not idea what it is. They now think it is NOT an infection. We are discharged from Niagara General and drive the one hour drive to McMaster Children's Hospital in Hamilton Ontario.


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