Survivor: Breast Cancer (Stage II)
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My Journal
Health, It's News
November 18th, 2011
Everyone - independent of age, gender, location, etc, - should take care of their health now rather than later. This is not news in the sense that it’s a revolutionary concept. However, when we get caught up in the daily grind and put our health on the back burner a reminder to keep healthy sounds like news.

Yeah, we need to get to work, pay the bills, take care of the kids, fix things around the house and the like. But, we MUST be in good health both physically and mentally to do them. If we are too sick to reap the fruits of our labor, what did we labor for?

It is completely normal to not want to exercise, really it is, but you should. It is very easy to eat what ever you want but we shouldn’t.

Here aresome helpful info to get back on the healthy track.

While exercising often seems like the absolute last thing you want to do, it is crucial that we get over our desires and get to it. You do not need to start bench-pressing or piling on the one hand push-ups but a brisk, 15 minute walk in the morning and then again in the late after noon is perfectly doable. You get your circulation going, your metabolism working, your cardio pumping and before you know it, you’re exercising.

East well. Stick to good fats that actually help you keep healthy by absorbing and breaking down necessary nutrients. Olive oil, canola oil, almonds, avocados, sardines, salmon, herring, walnuts and tofu are good for you. In small amounts, so is corn fed mean or poultry. DO NOT eat many bad fats that are found in processed and red meats, dairy products such as cream, butter, margarine, doughnuts, french fries or cooked chips.

While you should always consult with your physician before taking any medicinal advice, you may want to research Vitamin C and D. While most people are aware that Vitamin C helps support a strong immune system and benefit skin complexion, Vitamin D has been a curious subject of research, doctors are discovering previously unknown health benefits for people with heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer.

BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE, learn more and live better.


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