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I Had Cancer Guidelines

We're all here for similar reasons - we've been touched by cancer in some way. It’s up to all of us to show each other that no one is alone. Your IHadCancer profile is your own place to call home during this crazy thing called cancer, we just ask that you keep these simple guidelines in mind when participating.

1. Always Be Nice. This is a place for connections and conversations – we encourage you all to talk openly but please remain considerate in all of your engagement. Don’t post obscene, hateful or objectionable content. Abuse and disrespect will not be tolerated in the IHC community and is subject to deletion and user removal at our discretion.

2. Be a Good Friend. The IHC community is a family. Please remember to be a good friend to the connections you make on IHC. Ask questions that you wish someone would ask you; if you can’t find the right words to say, send a hug, it can speak louder than words. A simple gesture goes a long way.

3. Don't Spam. This includes sending unsolicited messages of any nature, posting links to unrelated content, promoting a survey, fundraiser or product where it shouldn’t be promoted. If you aren’t sure if something is appropriate to post, e-mail us and we’ll let you know.

4. Think Before You Post. Everything you post on IHadCancer is secure, but it is up to you to monitor how much or how little information you are sharing about yourself and your experience. Please don’t share personal or identifiable information like your mailing address or your full name and don’t share other member’s information.

5. If You See Something, Say Something. We work hard to make sure these guidelines are followed closely but if you see something that doesn’t’ feel right to you, please let us know. We review every report we receive and will take anything you say to heart. We promise.

6. Be Open. Welcome newcomers and help guide them through this journey based on your own experience. Whether you are a survivor, fighter, caregiver or supporter, you have valuable information that can very well help someone else who is just beginning the cancer journey. Be open to sharing experiences and give someone else the gift of your time.

Thanks for being a part of our community. It’s up to all of us to ensure that IHadCancer remains a place for us all to call home when dealing with the ups and downs of a cancer diagnosis.

Carla's picture
Carla Connect

Survivor: Breast Cancer

"Querido" cancro, Descobri que vivias em mim numa fase em que tudo na minha vida parecia ter um encaixe perfeito. Era feliz, estava de bem com a vida, tinha projectos. Descobri-te, mas nunca te dei muita importância, desprezei-te. Sabia que era eu que te tinha, e não tu que me tinhas a mim. E sempre acreditei que irias receber "ordem de despejo"! Não me doeste, bem pelo menos não me doeste tanto como me doeu a cura pra me ver livre de ti. Recebi a noticia que existias de ânimo leve, sempre te menosprezei. A noticia de que, pra me ver livre de ti, teria de passar pela dura prova de quimioterapia foi devastadora. Mas aceitei, aceitei porque era o único caminho a seguir pra me ver livre de ti. Tratamento após tratamento ias mirrando, como uva velha.. Á medida que eu ia ficando com menos cabelo, cada vez mais debilitada, eu sabia que estava a travar uma batalha vencedora! Nunca me passou pela cabeça que perderia, e desistir não é comigo! Até que desapareceste, puff... E apesar de teres levado contigo o sitio que minaste com esses teus terriveis tentáculos, não penses que me importo. Estou apenas mais leve! Mas sabes, trouxeste coisas boas, é verdade coisas boas, quem diria? Descobri que tenho a melhor familia do mundo, descobri o valor incalculavel dos meus verdadeiros amigos, descobri que existem seres humanos bondosos e generosos no meio profissional, descobri que não estava sozinha nesta luta afinal! Descobri que na minha vida só permanece o que é verdadeiro, e quem é verdadeiro! Descobri que a vida é bela, e merece ser vivida! Afinal, olha, obrigada! E descansa em paz!

