"New norma" . I've heard this term being used so many times while I was in active treatment and much more after.
Adjusting to this has been almost as difficult as the cancer itself. I have had to let go of the life I had before and adjust to a new one. The thing is, this has happened against my will. I didn't ask for all these changes. Hot flashes,menopause , lymphodemia to name a few and now osteoporosis. The last one is the newest of them all. This blessed affect from treatment has graced me with insufficiency fractures of my sacrum. Since I stand for a living this has made the past year of my life hell. I have just had a sacroplasty done. Which is a procedure where they fuse bones cement into the fractures. Should I be blessed that this could be "fixed". Absolutely. And I am grateful, I am grateful for my life. But this "new normal" I am not happy about. Not in the least.
